Trigger based play

Started by Albalaha, Jan 14, 2023, 06:03 PM

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This is about betting EC bets with triggers. It is pretty debatable as to whether it can help us or not. I believe it does help in getting rid of superbad sessions.
My most recent trigger is waiting for a 3 wins or lesser in the last 10 decisions as an alert. My trigger would be a situation after an alert wherein the trailing bet achieves average hit rate, it should have in the last 30 decisions.
 For example,
LLLWLLLLWLLLW here the third win alerted me to look for a trigger hereafter. If I get at least 14 hits of the trailing bet in any subsequent patch of 30 bets, that would be my trigger.
Let me know if it helps.


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I always take an absolutely bad patch of an EC bet as an alert for future betting. Say, I see Player going as LLLLL LLLLWLLLWLLLLLLLLLW I believe that there is bigger chances of getting it better(not compensating for the bad streak) and when there is enough sign of the bet getting mellower, I start my attack not with the belief of getting super good times there after but getting the bet moving towards its mean. I use a trigger of the bet going near average for a considerable time to start betting that. This strategy filters out the worst of the worst spans.



Do you have any hard statistics or evidence that doing this actually works? It's a common approach but in my experience it doesn't make any difference. The problem is that often by waiting for prior losses you're walking straight into really bad run, because every sequence from hell starts with a shorter losing sequence.

On the other hand, if you look for a sequence of virtual wins it's unlikely that it will followed by a run from hell, because it's rare to get two extreme sequences back-to-back (a bad extreme sequence and then a good one).

Not intended to be trolling post, just looking for more detail about your results.


Quote from: BlueBuzzard on Jan 20, 2023, 12:37 PM(a bad extreme sequence and then a good one)

Or a good extreme sequence followed by a bad one. They are equivalent statistically.


Most of the times, I get good results with this way. At times, far better than one can think of. This strategy doesn't work in isolation. I have a very unique money management that I use along that can even sustain the worst one can ever see and coupled with this trigger based filter and other stop loss mechanism, I have fair chances to be ahead in the long run. I have simulated this enough times to confirm that. Remember, through this alert or trigger, I do not expect to win flat. It merely filters the very super bad stretches. That is all.