Roulette Betting Tool's bet selection

Started by Smith, Oct 18, 2023, 06:10 PM

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Hi Vic,

Can you explain a little bit how the bet selection works? Is it based on hot numbers?

Quote(Read: this can become the holy grail for the fellows having "normal luck")

What do you call "normal"? Inside 3 standard deviations, or 2? (respectively 99.3% and 95% of sessions).

I assume you've done extensive testing.


Hello dear @Smith, I call a "normal luck" player the one who mostly get "expected normal distributions" within 37-spin cycles during his betting sessions, with "normal" meaning its strictly-statistical sense.

As you know, a normal distribution for a 37-spin cycle means one where values conform to expected binomial distribution (I.e. not the random walks), where you see things like the so-called law of the third, normal "everyday" values at ~24 numbers shown, etc.

Between 2-3 SD should be correct since this is what covers most cases. Most players should experience this. I've tested this enough to be convinced most players should experience such normal results in their cycles.

Now, I am not claiming that in ALL of such cycles there will be a hit, but any "player advantage" is derived from the clumping of hit cycles. This is actionable and it's available which is more than "looking around" for the next system perpetually.


The RBT's bet selection is not the flat betting holy grail, but it does offer a FRAMEWORK for the player to wrap a STRATEGY coupled with a progression/money management scheme that may be exactly what that person needed to be his/her personal holy grail.

How valuable is a system/strategy that beats your personal numerical/betting stream? The answer is as valuable as everything you win with it.

That's all there is to it. It is a most-valuable tool for the ones making it work when paired with their progression of choice + experiencing normal distributions. That's truly the gist of it.

It makes the assumption you are a player that will experience your betting sessions given an approximately normal data set (68/95/99+), normal/Gaussian distribution, normal density of repeats, etc. For the most part, supposing an idealized set of spins in the cycle BUT -this is the "plus" it gives- with some contingency plans for the cycles that deviate (I.e. relaxing the filters after the triggers, plus other micro-management techniques that are what actually gives the RBT its value).

...Overall, I like to think of it like one of those random walk charts. Since none of the 37 pockets ever closes, everything is possible; but in general you will mostly get the ~24 numbers for most cycles hence the fact that most users will experience normal distributions ("normal luck") during their betting, with certain users on both sides of the spectrum who will experience extremes.


You cannot know if you are an user with normal luck or not unless you actually try it with real bets. That's truly the only way to know. Risking some to see if you are a "normal white swan" living a regular life in the randomness pond or if you're that extreme statistical black swan (or sheep?) instead ...hopefully risking just some minimal units only, while "tasting" your personal stream, which should you be a "normal luck" user then you have the opportunity to have life-improving winnings.

Regarding specifics on the RBT's bet selection, there are some that "pop" with simple observation...

- It needs to collect the first 37-spin cycle in order to have context. You should be getting bets somewhere between spins #38 to 1.5 cycle at spin #56. The whole spin window is 111 spins so 1.5 cycles at spin #56 demarcates the very half.

- It is a weighted method, hence the latest spins are over-represented in the bets, for a good reason. While in the long term nothing is expected to make a difference, under this framework it's still considered better to bet what is currently having the spotlight for the purpose of riding the wave of the short term, represented by what's happening in the active/current cycle. (Dispersion surfing)

- It is based on events, so the underlying building blocks are numerical events, not the numbers themselves.

- It uses dynamic layouts, making each session unique, even when running the same numbers. The cycles are considered one-of-a-kind. This does not have any expected incidence in the long run's averages flat-betting wise, but it makes the RBT a moving target in the short term, as we consider roulette a perpetual short-term game.

- Unlike "random vs random", this randomized technique has rhyme and reason, it's not simply picking numbers blindly but carefully adding and FILTERING the numbers to generate the final bet with little numbers according to what is currently going on in the game.

- Betting is based on sub-cycles, this is, the active part of the cycle being bet is always less than 37 spins. Since there is a "look back" prior to starting the bets in a new cycle, the actual bet spins are diminished. The 18-spin mark is used as the half of the cycle, so that's also the least length of active bets in the lower bound; the upper bound is more variable, but ~25 or 30 tops should be the norm, always depending on what the actual numerical stream is presenting.

- A new active cycle does not start unless there is a repeat within the last 18 spins (half cycle window). The rationale being that having 18+ numbers without a repeat is indicative of a deviation from the norm. It does not make sense to enter betting a cycle that is clearly on the odd/abnormal side! Now, as soon as there is a repeat within last 18 spins, it can become viable thanks to the dynamic look-back spins & we're in business again.

As the very last point, "luck" is considered as the difference between average expected results to actual results.

It is measurable, can be acted upon, and a money management strategy for cycles and inter-session handling can be wrapped around it.

When you bet with limited/finite resources this can be considered better than blind betting. Mastering short-term betting is the only sliver of chance that a player has to come out ahead, by beating the multiple short term trams that make-up the longer one (Manrique would say it's a Guerrilla war...)

Thanks for your interest.

P.S. we're currently running a $10/week PROMO for the fellows who may want to support us and test/try for a week at a rather affordable price.

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-- Victor


Thanks Vic for the detailed reply. I agree that it's not a good idea to bet when an extreme event is in progress, although I expect the mathematical purists will say it makes no difference.

I will give your system a trial starting this weekend. I'm waiting til then because I have some time off next week.