Dynamic layouts + timelines (numbers don't matter!)

Started by VLS, Jan 04, 2023, 09:29 PM

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A stiff bet selection is bound to fail (think "martingale on red", "bet last X dozens/quads/streets/numbers", and so forth).

As much as the player must focus on beating the short-term "building blocks" that construct the long term automatically, the betting itself must be dynamic.

A form of generating dynamic betting with cycle-based play is to use multiple player-generated layouts to pick the ones that are doing better than expected in the current tram -according to the framework's criteria-, while jumping from one to the other as conditions naturally (and inevitably!) evolve for them.

I've been advocating similar concepts for a number of years now. This 2015 thread contains relevant advise:

QuoteYou're entering in a biased tram, generated by yourself but as valid any other bona-fide set of numbers.

The condition of course being you don't cherry-pick the results before-hand and aren't mixing them on purpose, but rather allow them to "happen".

You can create as many "timelines" as you wish by using bona-fide numbers (even RNG) mixed with those happening in your own game to choose the one that favors your current method the most.


When doing straight-up betting, constructing new player-generated layouts is simply done by rearranging the numbers comprising them.

For instance, the felt we are familiar with having a 1-36 sequence is only one of the many felt layouts possible.

You can reshuffle the roulette numbers in the felt to generate multiple combinations, all equally valid, being limited only by your ability to track these new felts.


The familiar "wheel-based felt":

║ 32 │ 15 │ 19 ║
║  4 │ 21 │  2 ║
║ 25 │ 17 │ 34 ║
║  6 │ 27 │ 13 ║
║ 36 │ 11 │ 30 ║
║  8 │ 23 │ 10 ║
║  5 │ 24 │ 16 ║
║ 33 │  1 │ 20 ║
║ 14 │ 31 │  9 ║
║ 22 │ 18 │ 29 ║
║  7 │ 28 │ 12 ║
║ 35 │  3 │ 26 ║

Along with any other combination:

║  8 │ 31 │ 23 ║
║  1 │ 29 │  0 ║
║ 26 │ 30 │ 27 ║
║  6 │ 18 │ 22 ║
║ 21 │ 12 │ 10 ║
║ 16 │ 11 │  9 ║
║ 25 │ 35 │ 28 ║
║ 15 │ 36 │  3 ║
║ 14 │  5 │  2 ║
║ 17 │ 20 │ 32 ║
║ 33 │ 24 │ 13 ║
║ 19 │  7 │  4 ║

║ 19 │  4 │  3 ║
║  6 │ 29 │  2 ║
║  7 │ 27 │ 11 ║
║ 35 │ 12 │  8 ║
║ 32 │ 18 │ 10 ║
║ 25 │ 13 │ 28 ║
║ 22 │  0 │  9 ║
║ 33 │ 26 │ 30 ║
║ 21 │ 16 │ 23 ║
║ 31 │ 20 │ 24 ║
║ 36 │  5 │ 17 ║
║ 14 │ 15 │ 34 ║

║ 20 │  6 │  7 ║
║ 36 │ 10 │ 15 ║
║  3 │ 28 │ 30 ║
║ 18 │ 26 │ 23 ║
║ 17 │ 21 │ 12 ║
║ 14 │ 33 │ 22 ║
║  1 │ 19 │  8 ║
║ 25 │ 13 │  5 ║
║ 11 │ 27 │ 16 ║
║ 32 │  0 │ 31 ║
║ 35 │ 29 │  2 ║
║  9 │ 24 │  4 ║

If we remove the 00, the American and European sequences are both different layouts of 37-number wheels.

0-                                                10

0-                                              1-


We can shuffle their numbers too for producing more of these wheel layouts:

34-                                             -12

18-                                              33

5-                                              34

Kimo Li's Matrix32 and Matrix28 are also examples of this...

Matrix 32:

║ 32 │ 15 │ 19 │  4 │ 21 │  2 ║
║ 25 │ 17 │ 34 │  6 │ 27 │ 13 ║
║ 36 │ 11 │ 30 │  8 │ 23 │ 10 ║
║  5 │ 24 │ 16 │ 33 │  1 │ 20 ║
║ 14 │ 31 │  9 │ 22 │ 18 │  9 ║
║  7 │ 28 │ 12 │ 35 │  3 │ 26 ║

Matrix 28:

║ 28 │  9 │ 26 │ 30 │ 11 │  7 ║
║ 20 │ 32 │ 17 │  5 │ 22 │ 34 ║
║ 15 │  3 │ 24 │ 36 │ 13 │  1 ║
║ 27 │ 10 │ 25 │ 29 │ 12 │  8 ║
║ 19 │ 31 │ 18 │  6 │ 21 │ 33 ║
║ 16 │  4 │ 23 │ 35 │ 14 │  2 ║

If you shuffle roulette numbers, you can generate as many 6x6 matrices as you require for tracking.

║  7 │ 33 │  6 │ 15 │ 25 │ 23 ║
║ 35 │  9 │ 26 │ 13 │ 28 │ 14 ║
║ 11 │ 36 │ 12 │ 17 │  8 │ 24 ║
║ 31 │ 10 │ 29 │  3 │ 20 │ 34 ║
║ 18 │ 19 │  0 │ 27 │ 22 │  1 ║
║  2 │  5 │ 21 │  4 │ 32 │ 30 ║

║ 22 │ 13 │ 17 │ 25 │ 29 │  8 ║
║ 10 │ 35 │ 18 │ 27 │ 24 │  0 ║
║ 23 │  3 │ 20 │  5 │ 19 │  6 ║
║ 34 │  1 │  4 │ 33 │  2 │ 28 ║
║ 12 │ 11 │ 32 │ 36 │  9 │ 26 ║
║ 30 │  7 │ 21 │ 16 │ 15 │ 14 ║

║  4 │ 25 │ 33 │ 27 │  1 │ 18 ║
║ 22 │ 32 │ 29 │ 26 │ 16 │ 10 ║
║ 19 │ 12 │  0 │ 28 │ 35 │ 36 ║
║  9 │ 21 │  7 │ 24 │ 15 │ 31 ║
║ 11 │  2 │ 34 │ 13 │  8 │ 23 ║
║ 20 │  6 │  5 │ 14 │ 17 │ 30 ║

Every one of the new shuffled layouts will have a distinct timeline as spins go by; this is where utmost malleability for the same set of spins appears. The more layouts you have to monitor, the more opportunities to spot viable conditions.

The good thing: in this time and age computers can track a lot (and I mean a LOT) of simultaneous player-generated layouts to analyze in real time.


Once you've been tracking these shuffled layouts for a while you realize that what truly matters is the numerical EVENTS in relation to the target group's size, not the numbers themselves.

Example: Events comprising 4 numbers on the felt (I.e. complete quad), 6-number events in a 6x6 Matrix (e.g. a whole column hit), Zones of 3 in a wheel formation, or zones of 4 spaced by 1 number in between or zones of 5 with 2 numbers of separation... plus all the many many variations possible.

You stop "seeing numbers" and start seeing numerical happenings and their unfolding/relationships with the tracked timeline from the layout's perspective, all within delimited cycles.

This is a "tipping-point" moment, when you realize it: numbers don't matter, only the events happening in the current layout's timeline count.

You then enter into the realm of true dynamic betting, becoming a moving target and making each and every one of your betting sessions unique within the context of these generated timelines.

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Currently coding: RIBOTX's user-facing interface.

♥️ Paypal gift / support: www.paypal.com/paypalme/victorvls
📧 Email / Paypal: betselection@gmail.com
-- Victor


Quote from: VLS on Jan 04, 2023, 09:29 PMyou realize that what truly matters is the numerical EVENTS in relation to the target

this is so true out of everything above....

Quote from: VLS on Jan 04, 2023, 09:29 PMnumbers don't matter, only the events happening in the current layout's timeline count.

this ties in with the above more than people know or realise