Maximum spin window for straight-up

Started by VLS, Dec 18, 2022, 09:24 PM

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IMHO when betting straight-up numbers the maximum amount of cycles to be used as a spin window is three (3).

This means:

37 x 3 = 111 spins (European wheel)

38 x 3 = 114 spins (American wheel)

Roulette is a game of short-term imbalances. When the player performs backtracking in recent spun history to select numbers, does it really matter something that happened 300, 500 or more spins ago?

In my framework, back-tracking 3 cycles AT MOST should be more than enough to check current "continuations" from cycle to cycle and untie what needs to be untied in order to determine bets.

If your short-term betting system requires hundreds of spins, it may be time to rethink what "short term" means in your current framework.

(A couple cycles should be enough to start betting, with third cycle being used for untying/reaffirming the targeted events; again, in my humble opinion)


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Vic, I don´t wanna contradict you but:

In my humble opinion any backtracking is a waste of time.
If after 20 spins your tracking says bet #36 or
If after 37 spins your tracking says bet #36 or
If after 55 spins your tracking says bet #36 or
If after 74 spins your tracking says bet #36 or
If after 111 spins your tracking says bet #36 or
If after 185 spins your tracking says bet #36

#36 will show up when ever random hits this number.

I therefore select any Number for any reason bet a certain amount of spins and look what happens.
The rest is money-management.


Quote from: winkel on Dec 18, 2022, 10:39 PMThe rest is money-management.

Agreed, no contradictions since in my betting framework we're not even trying to hit above expectation but to hit within the boundaries of our progression. (In order to have a shot with the averages)

The way I see it, we use cycles (delimited restrictions) as a barometer to check how game events are currently doing vs their expectations. Nothing more, since the stream of roulette numbers flows on its own for us to make sense of.

In other words, cycles are used just for creating context within our betting framework O:-)

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I do agree with you.

I see a cycle as the maximum bet-length to win at least 1 unit in case of a win.

So we have special limits.

We know that until now:
the minimum number of straights in 37 spins was 15
the maximum number of straights in 37 spins was 32
(referring to my statistics.)

If I have select one number e.g. 36 therefore I know my chance is at minimum 15/37 and at maximum 32/37 that my number is between the hit ones.
The more numbers show up the better my chance to hit.

If we reduce this to the average of 24 different numbers hit I have a chance of 2/3 to win. But it is not said if I win 35 units (hit in first spin) or I only 1 unit hit in 34th spin.

I think these are the only stats we can work with.

When you reduce these facts to minor bet-combinations like streets or double streets you will see the chnces get worse. And it shows that betting on EC is a crazy thing to do.


heres the double stream can look at all the cycles you want...across the just like the ayk tracker I uploaded ...extract and click on index...reset tab click in and highlight any combination tabs ie unique unhit repeats etc...or single tabs


@VLS you've recently posted a thread quoting Gizmotron's take on bs & related effects.

Therein's a concept mentioned of what's currently happening ≈ streak of some sort -- not past spins predicting future spins, what's in 'happening' now only.

& without interruptions, once interrupted its out of happening .. fizzled out, in past spins = indication = end of a trend.


That's the only thing that's useful in terms of what to bet on, as a quantifier -- the current tendencies in action as unfolding.

The ≈2-3 cycles interval is a valid decision-support framework, fine-tuning the exact execution of already quantified, nothing more nothing less.

Of course, all that seconding (the system is not bs-centric), but in short, only the guideline of the application & execution of the MM-framework .. quantified in & as exposition amount defining the locus in the game, & in turn, defining the outstanding debt & thereof how much monetary energy has to generate to secure the positive, an actionable parameter defining the set of actions or moves the system as a trajectory has to execute to most-cost-effectively in system's time (related to system's clock), & also, very importantly, real-time.


Anything else is just distortions (or magical thinking, or hippy mumbo-jumbo, or insert your worded preference) -- figuratively speaking, as much as watching the distorting mirrors might be interesting & temporarily fun, the only thing that you can & must rely on are real faces.