Universal vs Personal holy grail

Started by VLS, Dec 20, 2022, 11:20 PM

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System players seem to always be looking for the holy grail system that will make them win with 100% certainty.

While this is the ultimate scenario, this elusive 100% winning "Universal holy grail" stays as an Utopian goal for basically everyone*.

What is the next reasonable aspiration for a system player? To win within the confines of the amount of spins he will play during his lifetime.

This is the more-realistic approach.

In all honesty, how many spins will YOU realistically play during your lifetime? Certainly neither trillions nor billions of spins... millions? Hundred thousands? You must define this upper boundary clearly.

Then your personal quest is to beat this length of spins. Players who believe in this approach track their personal actuals, comprised of the spins they actually place bets in, carrying it over from roulette to roulette wheel, generating their unique personal bet stream.

This enters the fuzzy domain because your winning system can (and likely will) flop when extending it to beat all the conditions a truly universal holy grail is expected to beat (I.e. infinity!)... Does it mean the system is worthless? Hell no! The system that beats your personal betting stream is YOUR holy grail. You made it! No matter if someone in a certain roulette on a casino at the other side of the planet loses with it; you do perfectly good to keep betting with it and deriving real life-improving winnings from your very own personal holy grail.

For those people making it with their personal holy grail system(s), it is exactly the same as having in their possession such a thing as a Universal one: it wins when betting it and that's the only thing that matters.

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-- Victor


I don't agree with this statement and let me explain why;

There are not personal HGs, a true HG can only be a Universal one, the rest are just luck.
The way which you have described is based on false premises because the real question is not about how long am I going to bet, time only quantifies and multiplies what is already available from 1st day/session.

The majority of casual gamblers fails because they don't take under serious consideration what they should when they risk their hard earned money.
They tend to perceive roulette in analogue mode when the game itself constantly evolves and effectively making thy bets obsolete, as a result their BRs sucked in the Oblivion!

It never seizes to surprise me how many wasteful and oblivious individuals lurk in the casinos around the world, the inevitable conclusion is that there are more money in circulation than intellect...
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