's Forum Rules

Started by VLS, Sep 10, 2022, 07:25 PM

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Forum Rules:

  • Respect other people's privacy.
  • Be kind and respectful in public conversation as well as in private/direct messages.
  • Both new and old ideas must be explained in your own words with your own new/fresh text to guarantee there is no copyright infringement case possible.
  • No copy/paste from other boards (unless you are the author of the original post and can prove it should it be required).
  • Our community is here for the free sharing of ideas hence no system selling is allowed in our premises.
  • Please note this is an English-speaking forum. While we welcome people from all over the world to enjoy us, we kindly ask that all posts are always written in English only. This way we all keep a common ground to foster union.
  • To maintain harmony on the forum we ask that all members refrain from making any comments about ethnicity, religion or politics.  Such comments can so often lead to inflammatory, defensive posts from others. We don't want such a thing happening here.
  • We also ask fellow posters to refrain from using 4-letter words in their posts. By that we mean words associated with procreation, private body-parts and bodily functions in particular.
  • Practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

If you don't exercise a good practice of these rules, we reserve the right to take measures to ensure compliance of them in our pages.

These rules serve as staff guidelines, not limiting our ability to moderate anything we find doesn't resonate with the friendly and productive atmosphere we are fostering here.

Please use your common sense. Think before hitting the post button and remember your messages are read by real people, all deserving of respectful communication.

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-- Victor


Well done!  Carefully thought through and unambiguously stated.

If everyone abides by these rules then this forum will be an exemplar of excellence for others to try to follow.

And it will be a very pleasant place to visit.


Quote from: VLS on Sep 10, 2022, 07:25 PM
  • Be kind and respectful in public conversation as well as in private/direct messages.
If you don't exercise a good practice of these rules, we reserve the right to take measures to ensure compliance of them in our pages.

Hello guys, the first measure is simply to edit-out the perceived inflammatory parts from the post. It's a subjective standard but we take it you agree with our forum rules prior to posting, including our ability for using our best human judgement when moderating the board.

Nonetheless, please exercise a mental exercise regarding what may happen with the replies to your post, in order to answer if they may initiate a downward discussion spiral, always remembering our consensus is that nobody likes the forum to degenerate into a battle-ground.

(Hint: rest assured our staff won't allow it to happen, for the benefit of everyone --including the members involved, as fellow forum users themselves)


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Currently coding: RIBOT's bet string processing.

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-- Victor