Forum is usable again

Started by VLS, Sep 10, 2023, 06:59 PM

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Hello dear friends, we had to shut down the forum for some days in order to preserve our most valuable asset: forum data.

What happened? Our web hosting provider discontinued services this month after almost a decade of operations just as we were in the middle of making enhancements to the website's software, including 3rd party code, which left us in a faulty state.

We switched servers swiftly but came back with an issue of slowness, which after much debugging was found to be due to the database connection having to timeout in order to completely generate the page prior to being transferred, which was obviously something to address.

After multiple re-installs, backups and forum changes, we are gladly back online.

This event was also used to perform deep (pending) maintenance, so that we could continue in a better condition.

Please do feel free to use the forum as usual.

There are still some modifications being performed, but they're all related to the layout/looks; our valuable forum data has been successfully preserved and it's safe.

Cheers & many thanks again!

From a worked but happy,


-- Victor


Vic, I like the new look. You have good taste. :-)