Lighting roulette strategy after 25 missing

Started by Toprengo, Apr 24, 2023, 07:18 PM

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I am not a Lighting roulette fan because it is not a real live roulette where the dealer drop the ball into the wheel and he/she spins the wheel. And yes, the pay out on straight number bets is not so nice but I also know why happen this. Anyway, now I made a better strategy for the lighting roulette table and I use a tracker (Smart Roulette Tracker).

I think 60 units (real money) is enough to try this strategy first time and see what happen.
I recommend You to play 2-3 different wheels (this strategy works at any live roulette wheel) because of need wait to the entry point.

The lighting roulette gives chance to hit a nice bonus. The other wheels pays 1:35 which results in more win if the ball lands to one of your numbers.

My own rules when I try to enjoy this nice game:

1. Very important: be patient. This is one of the key for a successful session.
This is a game only. Not a workplace where you go for money.
The roulette is a game where we go to be successful because the success makes us to happy.
Important to understand and follow this.

2. Observe the wheel, decide how many times need wait before start use this strategy.
How many the most spins until the ball does not hit one of the right numbers.
Follow the trend during your session, because it is not same always.
3. Play such money you could lose without any serious emotion during a session.
Don't chase your lost money after an unsuccess session. Let the wheel win sometimes.

4. Win target no more than 10% of the amount of money spend on the session.
If the 10% is not enough then increase the amount of money what you spend on the session.


I found lot of mistakes in my file. I fixed it now only. Sorry for this.


Try this strategy with the quantum roulette (play money, practice, testing) on the

When you test it please don't wait until you get a double street with 25 missing. Don't wait nothing. Take your bet at every spin.

Have a great session!


Or if you would like to know what could happen on a real lighting roulette session without any real money risk: