The Law of Quarter by Merlin

Started by Merlin, Jan 04, 2024, 06:35 AM

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Hi Vic,

My nickname is Merlin, I got a forum about the Law of Attraction which is one of my main interests but I also like roulette. I have been analyzing roulette since 1991 and I got a cool story about this law of the third.

I posted it on both my forum here and also on roulette life's forum here.

In fact I was referred to you from Hardman from Roulette Life who's also a member of your forum. He thought that you can help me solve this riddle.

I manage to win $30,000 night after night at home with a plastic roulette with a friend (no cheating and calculating all the losses) and we didn't believe it because it was a plastic roulette so we decided to go to Atlantic City just to note all bunch of roulette spins to bring back home to analyze to see if the odds with plastic roulettes were the same as the odds with big wooden roulettes from real casinos.

It turned out really good.

I will let you click those links and read my story and then we will talk sim. Btw, I also created a sim with a friend using German Spieldbank Weisbaden casino.

This helped us to download about 100,000 real spins from this casino back in 2008.

It looked something like this...


This system I call "Dot Noting" let us confirm this "law of 3rd".

As you can see in this screenshot, below, after 100 spins you can see that the 21 hottest numbers totaled 83 spins out of the 100 and the 16 cold numbers totaled 17 spins.


Below is another 100 spins I noted using this dot noting method and as you can see at the bottom after 100 spins you can see that the 17 hottest numbers totaled 67 spins out of the 100 and the 20 cold numbers totaled only 33 spins.


In other words, each roulette will have about 75 spins on the hottest 18 numbers and 25 spins on the other 18 cold numbers.

So technically speaking, it's more like the "The law of quarter"  ;)

Looking forward to hear from you soon.




Hello & welcome to the RouletteIdeas community @Merlin.

I am willing to code this given:

  • You kindly allow me to choose the programming language. (I have not done VBA in a long while! I mostly do Web-based and Desktop these days).
  • The resulting program is public.
  • You aren't in a rush! I still have to deliver a version of RIBOT and some pending modules this January, so your coding gets done alongside.

Cheers & many thanks for participating 🤗,

Our subscriptions @ 👍

Currently coding: RIBOTX's user-facing interface.

♥️ Paypal gift / support:
📧 Email / Paypal:
-- Victor


Quote from: VLS on Jan 04, 2024, 08:38 AMHello & welcome to the RouletteIdeas community @Merlin.

I am willing to code this given:

  • You kindly allow me to choose the programming language. (I have not done VBA in a long while! I mostly do Web-based and Desktop these days).
  • The resulting program is public.
  • You aren't in a rush! I still have to deliver a version of RIBOT and some pending modules this January, so your coding gets done alongside.

Cheers & many thanks for participating 🤗,

Hi Vic,

Do you mind sharing with me what roulette ideas is all about. Do you charge for programming those systems or is it a forum where people come together to code it for free just to know if a system would work or not?

Regarding my system, I don't know if you read the post on my forum or on Roulette Life's forum but it goes something like this...

On average, out of 100 spins, around 65-75 spins or so will come from the 18 hot numbers and the other 25-35 spins will fall on the other cold 18 numbers.

It's called the law of 3rd.

During 100 spins...

- 1/3 of the numbers will come out TWICE
- 1/3 of the numbers will come out ONCE
- 1/3 of the numbers will NOT come out at all

The dot noting method allows us to see this imbalance.

Now just because you can see on sheet #1 (posted below) the hot numbers that attracted 2/3 of all the spins, does NOT make it certain that those hot numbers will come back on sheet #2.

In fact if you look below, out of all the 17 hot numbers from sheet #1 (in red), only 12 numbers (in orange) came back on the 2nd sheet for a total of 54 spins.

In other words, 54 out of the 100 spins of sheet #2 are from the hot numbers of sheet #1.

This means that the roulette was NOT STABLE and that is why out of those 12 hot numbers that came back, I would have won only 54 spins out of the 102 spins of sheet #2.

However, with my system, we add a chip on top of each number that wins. In this case here, you can see on sheet #2 hot numbers (orange and red ones) that many came out 5, 6, 7 and even 8 times and you don't need to win a lot of times with numbers that have 5-6 chips on them to either make money or avoid losing too much and stay alive until the roulette becomes stable.

Betting the hot numbers from the past does not make sure you will win with them on the next 100 spins.

However, by experience back in 1991, somewhere between sheet #2 and sheet #6, the roulette hot numbers become stable AND THAT is when you go from 100 chips valued at $1 to all 300 chips, then switch to $5 chips, acquire all 300 too then switch again to $25 chips, acquire all 300 chips and finally switch again to $100 valued chips and end with all 300 chips for a total of $30,000.

We did those $30,000 climb over and over again at my house back then. It's just a matter of time before the roulette stabilize itself and BOOM... the money starts pouring in. You win 7-8 times out of every 10 spins and that's how you make "The Climb" to $30,000.

That is why you need to "follow" the roulette and you do that by...

1- Noting and circle each number that comes out 3 times
2- When you reach 7 circled numbers, you are around spin #50 so you start noting the 2nd sheet. For example, if #12 comes out, you put a dot on #12 on both sheet #1 and sheet #2.
3- When you reach 18-20 circled numbers, you are around spin #100 so you stop noting on sheet #1, continue noting the 2nd sheet and start noting on sheet #3.

This is how you follow the roulette and sooner or later, when the sheets synchronize and the hot numbers are almost the same form sheet to sheet, that's when you hit the jackpot



Quote from: VLS on Jan 04, 2024, 08:38 AMI am willing to code this


Hi Vic,

it is definitely not worth any coding-time

I tested 1 month.
skipping all days with less than 200 spins

result about -4000 units.

There are severe logical errors in the construction of this strategy.

even if we stop/win the results don´t go to plus


Hello dear Winkel, I have accepted/committed to this program already as one of the last ones I'm taking as I deliver all pending ones from last year + this one added in the mix to have a great January 2024.

(Thanks for taking the time to try it! This new program serves an addition to the downloads section as well, which is always welcome as it becomes another resource to test & learn from, expanding our Roulette understanding)

Our subscriptions @ 👍

Currently coding: RIBOTX's user-facing interface.

♥️ Paypal gift / support:
📧 Email / Paypal:
-- Victor


Quote from: winkel on Jan 05, 2024, 07:50 PMit is definitely not worth any coding-time

I tested 1 month.
skipping all days with less than 200 spins

What methodology have you done?

- Did you circle and bet any number that came out 3 times during the 100 spins of that sheet?
- Did you follow sheet #1 with sheet #2 by start dot noting sheet #2 when sheet #1 was around 50 spins?
- Did you notice and mark within 2-6 sheets all the 18 hot numbers that came back from sheet #1 to sheet 2?
- Did you bet all hot numbers when they arrive at 18 numbers and added a chip when you won with each one?
- Did you move from $1 to $5 when you acquired all 300 $1 chips?

If you didn't do ANY of those steps, you were NOT FOLLOWING my system and the roulette table because ALL roulettes, plastic or wooden roulette, in real casinos or online ones, they all get to 18 hot numbers that came out 3 times or more within 100 spins and they all eventually stabilize themselves within 6 sheets and keep they hot numbers from 1 sheet to the next when they do.

That's why you need to have a sim that can display 5-6 noting sheets side by side and highlight in red all the hot numbers that came out 3 times and highlight in orange and count on the following sheet all the hot numbers that came back from the previous sheet's hot numbers. Do you even do that?

Look at these screenshots below. You will see that I noted for just 2 sheets in both cases. In the first one, 12 out of 17 hot numbers came back from sheet #1 to sheet #2 for a total of 54 spins while on the second set, you have 14 out of 17 hot numbers came back from sheet #1 to sheet #2 for a total of 64 spins. Can't you even see the potential here?

If I would have continue noting sheet #3, 4, 5 and 6, I'm pretty sure you would have seen one time that 17 or even all 18 numbers came back from one sheet to the next because the roulette was stable temporarily and that would have been enough to win 7-8 times out of every 10 spins.

Don't worry if you don't believe me, you'll see either from Vic's sim or from me by noting these German casino real roulette spins and one day I will have 2 sheets that synchronized their hot numbers..

I know what I saw back in 1991 and EVERY NIGHT...NIGHT AFTER NIGHT... we saw those roulette and sheets synchronized their hot numbers and that was when we made the climb to $30,000.

You'll see...  mark my words but right now, you can laugh.





Quote from: Merlin on Jan 06, 2024, 12:55 AMWhat methodology have you done?

- Did you circle and bet any number that came out 3 times during the 100 spins of that sheet?
- Did you follow sheet #1 with sheet #2 by start dot noting sheet #2 when sheet #1 was around 50 spins?
- Did you notice and mark within 2-6 sheets all the 18 hot numbers that came back from sheet #1 to sheet 2?
- Did you bet all hot numbers when they arrive at 18 numbers and added a chip when you won with each one?
- Did you move from $1 to $5 when you acquired all 300 $1 chips?

Pls confirm;

Your basic claim is:
Dot 100 spins
There will be 17-20 hot number hit 3times or more
bet these numbers for the next 100 spins
Win approx. 7 out of 10 bets


Quote from: winkel on Jan 06, 2024, 11:49 AM
Quote from: Merlin on Jan 06, 2024, 12:55 AMPls confirm;

Your basic claim is:
Dot 100 spins
There will be 17-20 hot number hit 3times or more
bet these numbers for the next 100 spins
Win approx. 7 out of 10 bets


I have seen this over and over at my place back then and the new sim will confirm this.

Just take any set of 100 or so spins and run it into whatever sim you have. You'll see those averages all the time, on plastic roulettes or in real casino's wooden wheels.

These averages keep coming over and over again.

- After 50 spins the average amount of numbers that came out 3 times is....7 HOT NUMBERS
- After 60 spins the average amount of numbers that came out 3 times is....9 HOT NUMBERS
- After 70 spins the average amount of numbers that came out 3 times is....11 HOT NUMBERS
- After 80 spins the average amount of numbers that came out 3 times is....14 HOT NUMBERS
- After 100 spins the average amount of numbers that came out 3 times is....20 HOT NUMBERS

Test it, you'll see.



Here, look at the screenshot below of these 2 sheets.

Look below the 2 sheets at the average amount of spins they had after 50, 60, 70, 80 and 100 spins.

The average is on the left and the amount of hot numbers this sheet had is on the right in red.

Then to win 7-8 times out of 10, you need the table to be stable and by that I mean when the table hot numbers come back from 1 sheet to the next.

You follow?




use this its the easiest thing to check ..set config to whatever you want....everyone has this ...

just extract and click on the index icon it,ll open up in your on any tabs unique unhit repeats,ll highlight the corresponding numbers...


Thanks man,

I just did a few random spins at 50 and 100 spins and sure enough, my averages of having 7 hot numbers after 50 spins and 18 hot numbers after 100 spins is confirmed.

I'm gonna do a little compilation using Excel and note many of those 50 and 100 spins to confirm the exact average.

Btw, the random only has 37,50,100 and 200 spins. Is there a way to enter another value like 60, 70 or 80 spins?



Quote from: Merlin on Jan 06, 2024, 06:43 PMI just did a few random spins at 50 and 100 spins and sure enough, my averages of having 7 hot numbers after 50 spins and 18 hot numbers after 100 spins is confirmed.


No wonder it is the binomial distribution.

See this
Spins Table 1 Osnabrück January
day1 21 qulifiers 66 hits 34 loss
day2 17 q. 49 hits 51 loss
day3 18 q. 53 h. 47 l.
day4 16 q- 43 h. 57 l.
day5 20 q. 55 h. 45 l.

Spins table 2 Osnabrück
day1 21q 53w 47l
day2 21q 61h 39l
day3 17q 47h 53l
day4 17q 51h 49l
day5 19q 43h 57l

No hitrate of 7 out of 10
only averages

you can prove me wrong use the archive of Osnabrück-Casino


I think it's because you are using different days for each one of your sheet. I think that to keep the roulette hot numbers from 1 sheet to the next we need to stay on the same roulette after the first sheet's 100 spins.

Yeah yeah, I know you will tell me that the roulette has no memory but I'm telling you this based on experience.

For some reason that I can't explain, each roulette has its favorite numbers for a set of 100 spins. Why these 18-20 hot numbers you ask? GO FIGURE!!! Nobody knows but it does prefer those 18 numbers during this set of 100 spins and there is nothing that you can do about it nor try to explain why. She just does.

It's when she decides to stick with those hot numbers that matters to me and I don't recall seeing the same hot numbers when we stopped the game last night and restarted it the next day.

You have to profit from this when its hot. You can call me crazy if you want, that's how I have seen it and it worked well back then.

Those 6 sheets must be done with the same roulette and on the same day with no breaks in between.

Again, the sim should let us do that.

if you can keep the spins from the same day then run 600 spins then cut those 600 spins into 6 blocks of 100 spins.


Quote from: Merlin on Jan 06, 2024, 07:59 PM... I think that to keep the roulette hot numbers from 1 sheet to the next we need to stay on the same roulette after the first sheet's 100 spins.
Those 6 sheets must be done with the same roulette and on the same day with no breaks in between.

if you can keep the spins from the same day then run 600 spins then cut those 600 spins into 6 blocks of 100 spins.

I think you haven´t been to a B&M Casino. The average spins per day are between 150 and 300 spins.

Simply: what doesn´t work within the first 100+100 spins, won´t work in 50-150 and 150 to 250.


I know I work with an Excel sim that we built in 2008 that was downloading all the spin numbers from roulette 3 from the German Wiesbaden Casino.

Most days were between 300-400 spins as you can see in the screenshot below. The top # is the amount of spin that table #3 did during that month of February 2008.

However, in most online casinos today, they have an automatic roulette that spits out a ball every 57-60 seconds so if you add this up, that's 60 spins per hour X 24 hours = 1,440 spins per day.

Also, don't forget that I don't note 100 spins on sheet #1 then start noting sheet #2 there. What I do is spins about 50 spins on sheet #1 and then start noting BOTH sheet #1 and #2 from spin 50 to 100.

This way, when sheet #1 has 100 spins noted in it, sheet #2 has about 50 spins in it and that's when I start noting sheet #3 and when that one hits 50 spins I will start noting sheet #4 and so on.

You follow?

What this means is that after 100 spins, sheet #1 has 100 spins in it and all the other sheets after that have a difference of 50 spins between each sheet.

In other words, after 400 spins, we can count 100 spins on sheet #1 and the other 300 spins is spread in 6 other sheets with 50 unique spins in them for a total of 7 sheets.

Still follow me?
