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Albalaha / Roulette inside betting finall...
Last post by Albalaha - Jul 26, 2024, 08:57 AM
The toughest bet to beat is the inside bets of roulette. A number might not hit for even 500 spins and could remain bad averagely, even for 20k spins. I worked a lot to find the best possible bets or something that is better than everything else. Finally, I came across a two or three numbers perpetual betting(betting all over without any trigger and pause). It has a special safeguard (even without pausing)that helps in cases where we do not get a win even for 200 spins.
1. Patience of a casino to earn gradually although slowly for a sure shot win at last albeit with momentary losses or drawdowns.
2. Casinos with small starting bets and highest possible upper limits. A bet stretch of atleast 1-100 units on all inside bets.
3. A capital of 10,000 units to earn equally within 1000-5000 spins max.
4. I m not sure if this will work as good for American roulette as I have been testing it on the European wheels.
5.It won't work for someone who looks to finish a session in win or loss a day. It is meant for perpetual play. Only inside betters can play it.
6. It has a very mild progression that is meant for long run plays.
7. It can handle all sorts of variance one can imagine gracefully.
8. At good times, it earns insane.
9. It is bound to win at last.
 Problem is, such a methodology should not be publicised. Many a times, I have discussed it in bits and parts but none wants to work on it. Everybody just want to have it. I want to have 3-4 like minded people to come up with me to form an exclusive mutual help group and let's make together a way to earn back whatever one has ever lost while maintaining its secrecy.I firmly believe that my concept will help in other fields of finance too.
Email me.
Concepts / Re: Triggers and Filters
Last post by VLS - Jul 25, 2024, 03:55 AM
Hello dear Patrik,

Quote from: VLS on Oct 27, 2022, 11:51 PMEven chances: 2 x 3 = 6 spins.

2 ➡️ Universe of spins / locations.
3 ➡️ Cycles.
6 ➡️ Three times the universe of spins.

Quote from: Patrik on Feb 10, 2024, 12:37 PMis so easy to misunderstand - Let's say I get two cycles of RBB RBB Would you say R is sleeping with the formation

As per the above, none is a sleeper since an even chance location must skip 6 spins to be considered a sleeper.

Hope it helps to understand this perspective 🤗

General discussion / Re: "SOFT RE...
Last post by VLS - Jul 24, 2024, 08:57 AM

  • RIBOT web-based bot.development began
  • New "Archives" section added, for moved posts.
  • Our Roulette Betting Tool gets rebooted, with a 1 to 3 numbers core.

Only strictly-necessary files for enhancing the web-based RIBOT are being featured for download moving forward.

E.g. real-time OCR number readers passing numbers from casinos to the web app, and other "hybrid" approaches that can't be made web-only due to file system / permissions, but have workarounds by executing local programs.
General discussion / "SOFT REBOOT...
Last post by VLS - Jul 23, 2024, 01:43 AM
Hello dear friends, we are rebooting the site in a soft manner to close July 2024:

- New registrations are open again.

- Certain forum sections are being merged and/or archived.

- Our software is being re-launched with a balance between free and paid offerings (e.g. RIBOT comes back as a web-based app with free modules for published systems "as is", with configurable module versions/"variants" at an affordable tenner; a win for the community while at the same time fostering our sustainability).

- The forum gets some love feature-wise with small details that add (e.g. bringing new post icons and other goodies).

More details in the replies below. Just wanted to share the positive news today 👍

In love and wins,
FreeRoulette / 10 million trials - need some ...
Last post by FreeRoulette - Jul 17, 2024, 06:45 AM
I spun until all the numbers were hit, then I did 10 million trials of that to see what spin number it happens on.

I'll be making a program to track it automatically and thought maybe I could have user defined triggers for each set of numbers left.

Now, how do you supposed we could use this information to gain an edge?

Numbers left: 37
  Hit on spin: 1, Frequency: 10000000
Numbers left: 36
  Hit on spin: 2, Frequency: 9728585
  Hit on spin: 3, Frequency: 264126
  Hit on spin: 4, Frequency: 7091
  Hit on spin: 5, Frequency: 197
  Hit on spin: 6, Frequency: 1
Numbers left: 35
  Hit on spin: 3, Frequency: 9203443
  Hit on spin: 4, Frequency: 746668
  Hit on spin: 5, Frequency: 46948
  Hit on spin: 6, Frequency: 2768
  Hit on spin: 7, Frequency: 161
  Hit on spin: 8, Frequency: 12
Numbers left: 34
  Hit on spin: 4, Frequency: 8456091
  Hit on spin: 5, Frequency: 1372991
  Hit on spin: 6, Frequency: 154475
  Hit on spin: 7, Frequency: 15006
  Hit on spin: 8, Frequency: 1305
  Hit on spin: 9, Frequency: 125
  Hit on spin: 10, Frequency: 7
Numbers left: 33
  Hit on spin: 5, Frequency: 7540742
  Hit on spin: 6, Frequency: 2040736
  Hit on spin: 7, Frequency: 358086
  Hit on spin: 8, Frequency: 52614
  Hit on spin: 9, Frequency: 6845
  Hit on spin: 10, Frequency: 864
  Hit on spin: 11, Frequency: 101
  Hit on spin: 12, Frequency: 11
  Hit on spin: 13, Frequency: 1
Numbers left: 32
  Hit on spin: 6, Frequency: 6522587
  Hit on spin: 7, Frequency: 2646063
  Hit on spin: 8, Frequency: 667083
  Hit on spin: 9, Frequency: 135155
  Hit on spin: 10, Frequency: 24367
  Hit on spin: 11, Frequency: 4008
  Hit on spin: 12, Frequency: 640
  Hit on spin: 13, Frequency: 83
  Hit on spin: 14, Frequency: 14
Numbers left: 31
  Hit on spin: 7, Frequency: 5464910
  Hit on spin: 8, Frequency: 3104467
  Hit on spin: 9, Frequency: 1060931
  Hit on spin: 10, Frequency: 285849
  Hit on spin: 11, Frequency: 66419
  Hit on spin: 12, Frequency: 14037
  Hit on spin: 13, Frequency: 2777
  Hit on spin: 14, Frequency: 508
  Hit on spin: 15, Frequency: 86
  Hit on spin: 16, Frequency: 15
  Hit on spin: 17, Frequency: 1

and so on
FreeRoulette / Playing at the table.
Last post by FreeRoulette - May 31, 2024, 05:40 AM
I would like to share my money management system for those who like to play at the table in the casino.

I developed this system because I do not like to keep track of calculations while I'm playing. It is based on a very simple idea. A straight number pays 35 unit.

The basic strategy will use a $105 bank roll.
Start out by buying 105 single dollar chips from the dealer and place 3 stacks in front of you with 35 chips in each stack. (I actually make 3 sections of 2 stacks each. The section that you get the chips from matters.)

Overall Goal:
Place a bet on a straight 35:1 number and win.
Any win on a straight number will resets all stacks and the system starts over.

Stack Rules:
Play from stack 1 until the chips are gone, then play from stack 2, and finally play from stack 3.

Bet Rules:
When playing from stack 1, you need to win a straight number with a 1 unit bet.
When playing from stack 2, you need to win a straight number with a 2 unit bet.
When playing from stack 3, you need to win a straight number with a 3 unit bet.

What to bet on:
You can bet anywhere on board, but to meet the goal, you need to win a straight up number.

How I play:
I bet 4-5 straight up numbers and two or three quads, sometimes a line all at once.

If I win, and it is not a straight up number, then I use the winnings to rebuild the stacks.

So if I am playing from stack 2 and win a quad, then rebuild stack 2 so it has 35 units, and put the
remainder on stack 1. Now I am betting from stack 1 and only need to hit a straight up number with 1 unit.

Ending Conditions:
Loss: If the $105 is gone, then session over.
Win: I usually try for 3 wins and leave the table for awhile.

I try and make sure that others are playing at the table.
The profit is what remains in the stack.
To set min profit, remove the chips from the first stack before playing
You can add more than 3 stacks. If you add a 4th stack, then you have win a straight bet with 4 units.
FreeRoulette / Re: Triggers tool updated
Last post by FreeRoulette - May 05, 2024, 07:33 PM
Mobile version has been updated.
Kimo Li / Re: Kimo Li's Hot number defin...
Last post by kimo li - Apr 26, 2024, 10:20 PM
There is more to the Matrix that meets the eye.

6 X 6 Matrix can be divided into 4 X 9

Low odd
High odd
Low even
High even

01 07 13  19 25 31
03 09 15  21 27 33
05 11 17  23 29 35

02 08 14  20 26 32
04 10 16  22 28 34
06 12 18  24 30 36

As well as 2 X 18, 3 X 12

I hope this answers your question.

Kimo Li / Re: Kimo Li's Hot number defin...
Last post by HardMan - Apr 24, 2024, 11:52 PM
Quick question @kimo li, if those 4 groups consist of ≈9 numbers each .. why is your patrix made of 6x6, what's the logic behid that?
General discussion / Re: Advanced & complex Questio...
Last post by HardMan - Apr 24, 2024, 11:03 PM
@Patrik, in regard to the Van Keelen test, do you think it is possible to adapt its requirements somewhat & still get correct measurements.

You stated it has to be flat bet, no progressions.

     A parachute is a progression in-risk, although flat-bet on each spin.
     Another thing, you specified metrics contingent on numbers bet, standard-payout-positions based.

     Also, we may be playing a few parachutes simultaneously, all flat, eg. one per each dozen area & restarting the system when all combined in positive. To prevent playing a quiescent dozen, we may pause after a few non-appeared spins & resume on its next appearance.

That basically means that we are not playing flat purely, not in the terms of a static amount of numbers bet, nor in the terms of units (2-3u/spin).

But, most importantly, we never increase the amount of units, which is virtually tlat.

So, given that a test requires 'a lot of spins' (ie. 100, 1000 .. btw, is that number or trials EC-based, or ..?), using a parachute(s) & flat, we can get how many numbers we bet on spin on average, & 8n terms of units (2-3) we can get an averageof that as well, if necessary ... let's say over 1000 continuously placed spins.

Thereof we may be able to convert those results you posted based on the stadard payouts = numbers played, & get the scale proper.

What do you think, how would you tackle 1. & 2. within the Van Keelen metrics?