
Started by FreeRoulette, Nov 30, 2023, 11:16 PM

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Thought of another system.

If you double up on red until you win, Martingale, then you eventually lose.

So, if you will lose, then you should be able to place a minimum bet and put all you winnings back into the bet, parlay, until it wins 7 times.

That is what I thought at the casino and I tried it on the tables. It does work, but you can place a lot of $2 bets before winning streak of 7 in a row.

So here is the new idea. I'm going to look at the statistics over millions of spins and see what the bell curve looks like between winning 7 in a row to the next 7 in a row.

After a certain number of spins, the chance of 7 in a row gets higher. So, before it gets to that prime range, I will martingale, but as it approaches the prime range, I will switch to parlay.

It works brilliantly in my mind, but want to see how the system does.


This surprised me, but over a 100 million spins testing the gaps between 7 in a row, there were every amount of gaps through 4000. No bell curve or indication of spin range that might be best. All that I can conclude is that longer gaps happen less often.



When extreme variance will attack in a negative way, any probability of happening of something could go as far as 15x. So, if RR should roughly happen once in say every 4 spins, in the worst cases, it could take up to 60 spins to happen just once, so the range could be 2 spins to 60 spins. Now, this brings in enough space to make any progression idea, ineffective. Be it Martingale or Parlay, it applies on all.