LotT: Myt Buster - A rotation results in 12 12 12

Started by winkel, Jun 11, 2023, 11:30 AM

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Recently I stumbled about the statement: After one rotation we get 12 hit once, 12 hit more then once and 12 unhit.

It get sick reading such nonsense.
1. Where is the 37th number?

2. Lets do some logical math on it.
to get 12 unhit there have to hit 25 numbers in 25 spins.
to get 12 once hit there have to hit 13 once hit (out of 25) in 12 spins.

??? 13 numbers to hit in 12 spins???

No wonder if the betselections based on that all fail.


I checked 9865 rotations:

12 unhit and 12 hit once count: 0
13 unhit and 12 hit once count: 133
13 unhit and 11 hit once count: 13