Roulette Betting Tool (RBT) [+PROMO]

Started by VLS, Oct 07, 2023, 06:19 PM

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Quote from: Smith on Oct 24, 2023, 06:02 PMIs this a time limited promo (to finish on a fixed date) or does each member get one week with no time as to when they take it?

This $10/week "RBT LAUNCH" PROMO is available, for a limited time, starting right now.

The aim is to reward our first users, as they support us from the very beginning when it's needed the most, by helping us get the initial funding for developing better web clients as well as sponsoring the new releases of our bot 👍

Our first users are the very ones starting this virtuous cycle, hence they deserve the extra benefit(s).

-- Victor


Can you tell me how many systems does the app track at the same time? do you have a data to confirm win loss ratio over 1 million spins?. Can you check against Spielb Casino spins? Looking to try all apps until I see the best app to use other than manual track play.


Hello @Kareva7, the RBT tracks "itself" only. This is not based on the traditional systems that may be featured at other online trackers.

If you are looking for the "holy grail" system that hits above the house edge flat betting, this is not it.

What the RBT provides is a framework for you to use a sensible progression based on cycles to put up a good fight when playing the game. Officially nothing works, hence everything is expected to be the same as Martingale or any other newbie method/way, but when you actually bet with the RBT, you can notice there's a "rhyme & reason" for the bets that are provided.

When the hitting cycles clump it allows you to compound the unit. Like Manrique said, it is "your time".

RBT selection + sensible progression = a good fight that can help you last long in the positive, even when it isn't expected to beat "infinity" (the true definition of the universal holy grail... but it can prove to become the player's personal grail, which is limited by what is humanly playable).

As a prospective steady user, you certainly want to have a crystal-clear picture. The plan is to provide continuous tests as soon as other users around can also generate them by themselves too, using the new web client's testing mode, so we all can compare to prove the provided results actually match the results as generated by the public.

(the new RBT client web-app is about to be put online)

My goal is to make a pristine public testing on future spins only when posting them myself, for people to see this Tool in a different light than the regular setup where it is the seller who provides the tests based on the Zuma book or other past spins.

The dynamic would be for fellow users to establish a date in the future for doing Wiesbaden or any other casino and THEN the testing is performed at such time ahead, after which the results are published "as is". That's truly transparent.

Okay @Kareva7, I've set you up for a trial so you can check it for yourself (please look at your PM's). You are invited to be one of the first public testers, if you like what you see.

-- Victor