Jack Kennedy's Square Ro-Let

Started by nemo, Sep 12, 2022, 10:00 AM

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OK....here's what I'd like to do.

1  Provide a PDF copy of his method.

2  Provide supporting PDF documents that help clarify the method

3  Provide a copy of software I wrote to make playing the method as easy as possible.

Please note:  the program is written and then compiled into an EXE file in Visaual Basic 6.0
It runs well under W7, 8 and 10 [assuming your security software doesn't false-flag it.Some do but it's easy to stop that in the settings]

But no idea if W11 will run it.

Now I don't want to inadvertently break a forum rule about copyright infringement.

So before I proceed further here is a statement from Mr Kennedy:

For several reasons, I finally decided to give it away free. I concluded that once
my"Positional Roulette" and "Square Ro-Let" were out there, I could not control
its distribution; that I could not even be assured that I would be the person who
would get the recognition as the author of my own system. Of course, time played
a major part in my decision; my age (75 years old in April of 2001) with all of its
drawbacks (including short term reduced memory), was the deciding feature to
give it away.

[I have a copy of this declaration]

If anyone has any objections please post them here soonest, or forever hold your peace  ;)

In which case I'll proceed for others to start testing and letting us know results.

[My original testing was done simply to iron out bugs and kinks.]


Thanks for bringing the System here

Quote from: nemo on Sep 12, 2022, 10:00 AM3  Provide a copy of software I wrote to make playing the method as easy as possible.

Perhaps we can try making this the first VB6 RIBOT module? :)

Once the connector code is done for a certain language/way, others can benefit from it with ease 👍

Our subscriptions @ https://rouletteideas.com/profile/?area=subscriptions 👍

Currently coding: RIBOTX's user-facing interface.

♥️ Paypal gift / support: www.paypal.com/paypalme/victorvls
📧 Email / Paypal: betselection@gmail.com
-- Victor



Visual Basic 6.

I cut my teeth on the BASIC language and wrote some pretty serious stuff with it and its iterations.

Glad to see it's still got a half-life somewhere!



Yes, Adulay. VB6 is alive and thriving despite its birthday in the 90s!

There are still VB6 developers out there, and heaps of programs currently in use that were born under VB6.

Apparently it will run OK under W11 -- using Compatibility Mode if needs be -- according to this very interesting article written in March this year:


And, best of all, M$oft will continue to offer support:



OK...no objections.

So here it is for you to download.

It will keep you occupied for a few hours!

My personal link is safe and will give you a zip file I created on my clean, coding PC -- clean as it has never been online and never runs alien software.

But to be extra safe, scan the zip before you open it.

When it left my PC the zip was not infected. But it's always possible a hacker has broken into Sync and compromised many of the stored files there.

I'm NOT saying that has happened. But scan just in case!



Our subscriptions @ https://rouletteideas.com/profile/?area=subscriptions 👍

Currently coding: RIBOTX's user-facing interface.

♥️ Paypal gift / support: www.paypal.com/paypalme/victorvls
📧 Email / Paypal: betselection@gmail.com
-- Victor