1st half cycle selection

Started by BlueAngel, Dec 03, 2024, 09:24 AM

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After so many years the concept of "the law of the 3rds still intrigues me to this day.
However, I have not stumpled upon something wich has the potential to exploit such phenomenon.
You might wonder "why?", the answer, in most of the cases, is straightforward and simple;
Either the method would be impractical due to excessive money and/or time requirements, or the selection is based upon false premises, for example: "bet this number after hit 3 times..."

Does it sound familiar? Why 3 times and not 2, or 4, or 5, or 1...etc. Why 3 hits is the magic point, so to speak?!
When a selection is already "hot", this is to say, above average (1 per 37 bets) there may be already late, it could continue something and sometimes but it's way beyond a certainty.

So how do we properly exploit "The Law Of The Thirds"?
Like the title suggests, the first half, as a matter of fact, every first half, contains some hot numbers, not all of them come together but we don't need to pick all of the hot numbers in order to make a net profit.

Let's get into the specifics, the main principle is: "First come and first served..."
What we are looking for is to pick as they hit from 12 up to 19 numbers within the first 19 spins of a 37 spins cycle.
There is none proggression/money management involved.
At any point from the first bet on when an overall profit has been achieved (new BR high), restart from scratch by betting only the last spun number.
Otherwise proceed with your selected numbers and keep a separate counter for each and every one of them in order to remove any number which during the last 37 bets had no hits.
Go on like this until no number left to bet (or you have achieved an overall profit).

[color=var(--input-txt-color)]You don't have to continue all the way to the 19th spin, you will restart as soon as there is an overall profit.[/color]

[color=var(--input-txt-color)]I welcome questions and suggestions from all forum members![/color]
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