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Winkel / Re: If we could build a bridge...
Last post by FreeRoulette - Apr 20, 2024, 06:55 PM
Day 1, you made profit. How far in the hole did you get? I would try and handle it like the stock market.

Set a profit of 2x your stop loss. Just pure system over time. Lose 2 days, win 1, you break even.
TurboGenius / Re: Well, hello there.
Last post by FreeRoulette - Apr 20, 2024, 06:46 PM
Quote from: BlueBuzzard on Dec 22, 2022, 08:57 AMWow! Great to see you here Turbo. You're the reason I got into roulette in the first place, many years ago at GG. My lawyers would be in touch with you soon, if I wasn't living under a bridge! lol, just kidding; I've done pretty well playing roulette over the years and it's become a lifelong hobby, largely inspired by your creativity and enthusiasm for the game.

I think you can be assured of a troll-free zone here, so I hope you stick around and give us the benefit of your vast experience and smarts. Awesome.  8)
Gamblers Glenn, first roulette board that I joined. Blast from the past. Towards the end, mostly blast. Worse than the Jerry Springer show.
FreeRoulette / Re: Triggers tool updated
Last post by FreeRoulette - Apr 20, 2024, 03:57 PM
I am working on a phone version of tracker that is meant to be light weight for quick use a the casino.
Right now, it has a losses in a row stat. Let me know if there is anything else that might be useful to add.


Albalaha / Can it be termed as a Holy gra...
Last post by Albalaha - Apr 09, 2024, 07:55 AM
I came across a two number betting (two straight up numbers) that always touches break even or gets very close to that within 5K spins max on european roulette. Can it be termed as a grail? It has all the traits that any two numbers might have like consequent hits, no hit for even 185 spins but it bounces back unbelievly even from those levels towards break even sooner than later. I know that expecting corrective wins is a fallacy and all that but can it help ending the "not beatable" hype about roulette?
         If you get such bet hypothetically, which money management will you be using?
FreeRoulette / Re: Triggers tool updated
Last post by FreeRoulette - Apr 07, 2024, 07:00 PM
I'm thinking of making a version of this so it works on the phone. It wouldn't be fancy, just enter the number and see the stats while you are playing at the table or machine.

If this would be useful to you, then what sort of stats would you want to see?
FreeRoulette / Re: Triggers tool updated
Last post by FreeRoulette - Apr 07, 2024, 01:33 AM
A new version of triggers is available. It takes a could seconds to load all the files the first time, but should be fast after that.
General discussion / Re: Advanced & complex Questio...
Last post by 5pinn - Mar 28, 2024, 10:41 AM
what the Holloway progression ?
General discussion / Re: Advanced & complex Questio...
Last post by Patrik - Mar 27, 2024, 12:29 PM

Today I tested a 3+ STD with Holloway and it works like clockwork.
That was around -20 the opposite towards my Ecart play.
And the reversal and Holloway tackle things smoothly.
General discussion / Re: Advanced & complex Questio...
Last post by Patrik - Mar 27, 2024, 12:09 PM
Van Keelen test or the mathematical approach of roulette systems evaluation

Every roulette player wants to know which roulette betting system can ensure them profits and which one cannot. The gamblers need an objective method which really will show them some results. And Van Keelen test appears to be a principal method which can help to evaluate the success and efficiency of this or that roulette system. Van Keelen system was developed long time ago and it is rather simple in its application.

The basics
Van Keelen test requires from the roulette player checking the system through the placed bets. It should be done before the beginning of the game. The described test implies the interrelation between the system's net gain and the number of made stakes. The amount of placed bets must be no less than 1000 and the sum of bet must be equal (no progression). The important thing to understand and remember that while using Van Keelen test we speak about the actual bets and not the wheel spins.

The advantages
One of the advantages of Van Keelen test is that possible losses can be on the paper and not in real game (as at first the bets should not be placed in reality at the roulette table).

The invaluable advantage of this test is that a roulette betting system must be tested no less that over hundred placed bets. On this ground the prognosis about the efficiency of the system could be made.

While using Van Keelen test (with 100 000 tested bets) even an unfavorable result can be a characteristic of a good betting system. When system shows a true superiority over "0" - there is a possibility that with a progression it is possible to obtain continuous gains.

Let's examine few examples of using Van Keelen test on some roulette betting systems.

The betting system has superiority in the next cases:

Even money bets (high-low, red-black, odd-even)

After 1 000 bets - the gain is more than 100 units;
After 8 000 bets - the gain is more than 60 units;
After 100 000 bets - the gain is more than 1 000 units.
Six number bets (lines)

After 1 000 bets - the gain is more than 100 units;
After 8 000 bets - the gain is more than 200 units;
After 100 000 bets - the gain is more than 600 units.
Twelve number bets (dozens, columns)

After 1 000 bets - the gain is more than 50 units;
After 8 000 bets - the gain is more than 50 units;
After 100 000 bets - the gain is more than 2000 units.
So, Van Keelen test is proven to be an effective one among other methods of roulette betting system evaluation such as the reality test and the millions spin test.
General discussion / Advanced & complex Question!
Last post by Patrik - Mar 27, 2024, 12:05 PM

The problem is not winning - you can have a moving and winning target that averages in many situations and then you will have a pendulum effect where you will profit more than less due to the strike ratio of the more common events than the rare occasions.

I test an Ecart play with success 70+ units flat betting with even money for around 900 PLACED BETS, not spins.
The Van Kelen Test dictate a 100+ profit after 1000 placed bets is a superior system/strategy.

The problem is that you can win around 40 sessions where you targeting +1 unit or a TIE, flat betting.
But correction works like small, medium and large chunks and comes at average 3 times every 100 trials.
Reversals work like the big whole of the Bell Curve pendulum, where you can get one session with a minus for 300 trails where one side opposite towards what you do stays ahead at all times.
That is an 8-hour limit session.

So my discovery and question is how and what happens when you get one scenario where the opposite stays ahead for 8 hours or 300 trails and there is never a TIE situation and option to restart.
Yes, one progression solves that issue.

Both Holloway and Gr8player progression.
But to what extent?

I don't believe a random sample of 300 trails can have a 2,5 or 3+ STD sequence being ahead for the whole 8 hours, at some point, the drawback will be lower and at some times larger.
With my test, I won 39 sessions where 1 ended up with a -1 unit from a TIE situation.
Any progression would have solved that situation.

The holloway progression us 10% increments so I assume a -10 would be beatable.


The Gr8player progression might also tackle a -10 with no problem.
But how large can the pendulum effect be when one opposite stays ahead for the whole 300 sample.
-20 or above, I have no clue.

This is the new territory I am exploring.
