Tiers Et Tout for fun

Started by TwoUp, Jan 28, 2023, 03:57 PM

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This method is meant for entertainment only as it can be quite exciting as bets increase.

It is based on a famous method used by a Spanish gambler Thomas Garcier who broke the bank several times on various trips. On one of his trips in 1860 Garcia's winnings were at a high of 1,750,00 Francs which in today's money would be equivalent to around 87 million dollars. Not insignificant.

Can it work? History says yes it can, but it's down to luck, hence why this is for entertainment only, and in particular if you want some excitement playing with friends socially.

The method is what is known as a stretched Tiers Et Tout betting plan. It is basically a positive progression ladder with a fixed negative progression on each rung.

Any attempt at the progression requires just 4 units, all betting is on an EC of your choice.

You can take profit along the way and decide how far you want to push your luck before chickening out.

It takes 3 back to back losses to lose the progression. If your bet selection reduces loss streaks this just might be a good fit.

Decide how many attempts you want to give it and divide your session bankroll accordingly to play at the highest stakes possible.

If you get anywhere near a 50% strike rate during your session you can do quite well.



Just for the record:

Thomas Garcia
Tiers et Troit


Thanks Winkel, that's how flakey memory can be, I should have fact checked myself.  8)