25 years studying Roulette and posting on forums around the world

Started by winkel, Oct 23, 2022, 09:49 PM

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Hey folks,

I got old through these 25 years. And I will tell you what I've learned.
I read hundreds of system-ideas and also tested them. I created a lot strategies myself and only put them in public, when I had tested them for at minimum half a year.

My main Learning started, when I searched for a single spin in which always happens the same.
Naturally I failed.

Then one member of a forum tried to do the math of the number of combinations that are possible in 37 spins. In short there are 37^37. A figure so long nobody can read it.
it starts with all 37 numbers in in order up or down.
then any mix of 2 numbers
any mix of 3 numbers
and so on
ending with 37 times the same number out of 37 numbers.

That showed me, that any permutation is already existing and one of the 37spin-groups is followed by any other of the 37^37 groups.

that means: Everything can happen. How exact your system is planned, how complicated it is to note and calculate, doesn't matter at all. there is always to expect a 37spin-sequence that kills all your thinking and most of all your progressions.

Some threads are named: Out of the box.But I haven´t seen any really being out of the box.

But I´m still here, writing in Forums creating new strategies. Why.

I´m trying to implement my above knowing of the mean roulette probability in ways to bet, which the probability can´t fight. And of course the house edge is also to beat.

The idea of the game of Roulette is: Try to guess the next number, the wheel will show.

And I do only start from this: straight up.
No minor chances, no EC, no doz/col.

A DS is the same as any 6 straight numbers. It is only one out of (not only 6 but ...) millions possible groups of 6 numbers.

A good strategy works in the order of the table-layout and also in the order of the wheel-layout.

When you think: I better play an EC, because it costs me only 1 chip. Then you are completely wrong.

If you are bound to save your money and you are afraid to lose it, then roulette shouldn´t be your game.

1 single unit in Europe means 1€ or 2€. With 3 or 5€ Entrance-Fee you have to win 3 or 5 times. And I hope you know how hard it is to win EC three times in a row.

If you wanna gain some money you have to bet with bigger units or with higher chances. Therefore you have to know how this chance will behave.

to be continued



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-- Victor


Quote from: winkel on Oct 23, 2022, 09:49 PMIf you wanna gain some money you have to bet with bigger units or with higher chances. Therefore you have to know how this chance will behave.

to be continued

Look, if you are afraid of losing your money and you believe it is better to start the first bet with the lowest possible unit-size what does that mean?

1. you are just betting for recreational purposes. you don´t have to win, but you hope to win a little bit.
If you lose, it is also ok. because you know this is possible. Something between big win and total loss is possible and exepted. Whatever it is is fine for you. that is the best way to use this game.

2. you are not very rich, you need some extra money, you can´t wait to be richer, but have a very small bankroll. The best you can do: Look for a better job but don´t try to solve this situation with Roulette.

3. With the lowest chip-size you can´t win 1 million per night, You can´t even win 1000 per night. Why?
the most tables do 200 to 300 spins per night. Even airballs do maximum 500 to 600 spins per night. Do the math yourself how many you could win per night with 1€ or 2€ Chips. It means you have to win every spin. Have you ever seen anyone to win every spin lowest limit lowest chance?

One guy told me you only have to win 1 chip more than you lost. Okay that´s plausible.
Imagine you have lost 5 units due to a row of Red you were betting against on Black.
Read the thread: Regression to the mean
after 5 or more Red there is no reason why there should be 6 or more Black in a row in the following spins.
Most there will be the usual ping pong between Red and Black. Your try to win one chip more than you lost becomes a never-never buisness.

You see the combination low Chances (EC) and low Chip-Size is a horrible combination.