General => General discussion => Topic started by: Alchemist on Feb 08, 2023, 10:38 AM

Title: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: Alchemist on Feb 08, 2023, 10:38 AM
Hello to everyone, sorry for my poor english.
I wanted to know if there is a simple way of copying the last 70-80 spins in excel from Evolution roulettes.
I have made a program that finds paterns and proposes to me what to bet (in excel)
But I have to manually type the last 70-80 results for every roulette of Evolution.
Sorry if my question is answered somewhere else.
Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: HardMan on Feb 08, 2023, 01:30 PM
Without coding -- the one option is to:

1) take a screenshot, crop it
2) then google for one of image→text online tools .. some work better than others .. -- you'll probably still have to do some manual editing, check that all the numbers are correct
3) finally copy the text & again googling for a tool, replacing space with s new line to get them all onr number per line vertically

Otherwise, the next & quicker step is coding .. get someone to make you a script.
Title: Re: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: Alchemist on Feb 09, 2023, 08:54 AM
Thank you for your answer.
It is far easier and faster to type those numbers in the excel file, especially if you can do it without looking at the keyboard.
Title: Re: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: VLS on Feb 09, 2023, 12:56 PM
Hello @Alchemist.

Please feel free to post an image of your target live spins; it can kick-start the making of a custom OCR-to-Excel script :)
Title: Re: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: TwoUp on Feb 09, 2023, 01:45 PM
This is quite simple to do with tesseract OCR:

There API wrappers for a range of languages and command line tools (even for windoze) as well.
Title: Re: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: byzel on Mar 27, 2023, 09:43 PM
to get the last numbers I use this:
make sure the stats tab is open with the 500 spins showing
f12 to open dev window - choose the frame for the evolution table via the select tool(ctrl+shift+c)
switch to console tab and paste this:
function last() {
var I; var s=""; console.clear();
for (I=492;I>0;I--){
try { s+=$("div[data-role='statistics']:nth-child("+I+")").textContent;
s+="\n"; } catch{} }
for (I=15;I>0;I--){
try{ s+=$("div[data-role='recent-number']:nth-child("+I+")").textContent;
s+="\n"; } catch{} }
copy(s); }
the copy(s) will put the numbers in your clipboard, so you can paste it into excel etc.
alternatively use console.log(s); to display the numbers in the open console
Title: Re: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: philipkendzior on Aug 14, 2024, 10:27 AM
Your English is just fine—no worries! Your program sounds interesting, but manually entering 70-80 spins each time must be time-consuming. Have you tried using a web scraper or automation tool that can extract data directly from the Evolution roulette games into Excel? It could save you a lot of time and effort. You might also want to check if there are any existing add-ins or APIs that can help with this. Good luck, and I hope you find a solution!
Title: Re: Tracking live last spin results
Post by: VLS on Mar 17, 2025, 05:38 AM
BTW, the "old school" method of identifying live spins still works: scrapping the last number rectangle + 1-to-1 number identifier, written for the casino.

You first need to capture all 37 numbers to compare in real time.

The comparison is made via image hash (For instance,

This is normally faster than OCR for fixed-resolution apps.